Professor Subhransu Roy has 30 years of research experience in the area of fluid mechanics and heat transfer. His recent work encompasses aerodynamics of vehicles and flapping wings, melting and solidification processes, industrial applications of convection heat transfer.
A comparative turbulent flow study of unconfined orthogonal and oblique slot impinging jet using large-eddy simulation Pawar S., Patel D. , Bisoi M. , Roy S. By Physics of Fluids 32 095116-27 (2020)
Numerical Modelling of Wind Tunnel Internal Flow for CFD Assisted Design Kesharwani S., Mistry C. S., Roy S. , Roy A. , Sinhamahapatra K. P. By Journal of Institution of Engineers (India) Series C - (2022)
Criteria for the onset of convection in the phase-change Rayleigh Bénard system with moving melting-boundary Satbhai O., Roy S. By Physics of Fluids 32 064107-14 (2020)
Numerical analysis of 2-D laminar natural convection heat transfer from solid horizontal cylinders with longitudinal fins Konar D., Sultan A. , Roy S. By International Journal of Thermal Science 154 16391- (2020)
Comparison of the quasi-steady-state heat transport in phase-change and classical Rayleigh-Bénard convection for a wide range of Stefan number and Rayleigh number Satbhai O., Roy S. , Ghosh S. , Chakraborty S. , Lakkaraju R. By Physics of Fluids 31 096605- (2019)
Role of Heating Location on the Performance of a Natural Convection Driven Melting Process Inside a Square-Shaped Thermal Energy Storage System Satbhai O., Roy S. , Ghosh S. By Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications 10 061007-12 (2018)
Large eddy simulation of three-dimensional plane turbulent free jet flow Bisoi M., Das M. K., Roy S. , Patel D. K. By European Journal of Mechanics - B / Fluids 65 423-439 (2017)
Three-dimensional numerical investigation of thermodynamic performance due to conjugate natural convection from horizontal cylinder with annular fins Senapati J. R., Dash S. K., Roy S. By ASME, Journal of Heat Transfer 139 82501-7 (2017)
Turbulent statistics in flow field due to interaction of two plane parallel jets Bisoi M., Das M. K., Roy S. , Patel D. K. By Physics of Fluids 29 1-19 (2017)
3D numerical study of the effect of eccentricity on heat transfer characteristics over horizontal cylinder fitted with annular fins Senapati J. R., Dash S. K., Roy S. By International Journal of Thermal Sciences 108 28-39 (2016)
Co-Principal Investigator
- Centre of Excellence on Energy Aware Urban Infrastructure Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB)
- Opened & Intelligent Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV) Technologies for Smart Indian Cities (UAY_I_IITKGP_019) MHRD,Ministry of Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises, GoI,TATA MOTORS LIMITED
Ph. D. Students
Anirban Das
Area of Research: Energy Storage
Shubham Mishra
Area of Research: Heat Transfer